Dear Friends, and Lovers of the Folklore,
Friends of Slovak Folklore invite you to join us on May 14, 2016 to celebrate 6th Anniversary of Czech, Moravian and Slovak Folklore Festival. Our folklore group Karicka, children group Podkovicka, children from Czech school in San Diego, our guests Poe Street Bluegrass and our Slovak friends from Romania Adriana and Milan prepared for you program with beautiful dances and songs from Slovak, Moravian and Czech regions. We are looking forward to see you there.
We preparing for you also exhibition of traditional costumes and caps, art show of Slovak artist Stefan Talian with folklore theme, poster show of our extraordinary Czech photographer Val Dostalek, fun for kids and adults, and School of Folk Dancing with Milan Fatura. You will have chance to taste delicious food, pastries, drink Czech beer, vine and Slovak Tatracaj.
Priatelia slovenského folklóru Vás všetkých srdečne pozývajú na 6. ročník Krajanského folklórneho festival v San Diegu.
Slovenská folklórna skupina Karička, detská skupina Podkovička, deti z Českej školy Rancho Santa Fe a naši hostia pripravujú pre vás program plný krásnych tancov a spevov z rôznych regiónov Slovenska, Moravy a Čiech. Pripravujeme pre Vás aj prehliadku krojov, výstavu čepcov a part, umeleckú výstavu obrazov slovenského umelca Štefana Taliana a výstavu fotografií nášho jedinečného fotografa Vladimíra Dostálka s folklórnou tematikou.
V našom programe nebude chýbať ani škola ľudového tanca. Pre deti máme pripravené stoly, kde budú mať šancu vyrobiť si vlastnú bábiku, ozdobiť medovníčky, vymaľovávať si varešky s folklórnymi vzorami, a dať si namaľovať tvár. Nezabudli sme ani na labužníkov jedla a pitia. Budú mať k výberu slovenské a české jedlá, zákusky, koláče, pivá a vína.
S originálnymi vlastnými výrobkami sa s vami podelia aj naši slovenskí a českí predavači.
Vstupné je $12, pri dverách $15, deti do 15 rokov majú. vstup zdarma. Lístky si môžte zakúpiť u Anky, Martiny alebo cez Pay Pal
Ešte stále hľadáme sponzorov!!! Pre tých, čo majú biznis, a chceli by ho propagovať na našej stránke a v našej brožúrke, a zároveň byť našími ctenými sponzormi kontaktujte Anku, alebo Martinu.
Pevne veríme, že Vás tam uvidíme. Náš festival je jedným z najväčších Slovensko-Českých akcií v San Diegu od roku 2011.
Friends of Slovak Folklore invite you to join us on May 14, 2016 to celebrate 6th Anniversary of Czech, Moravian and Slovak Folklore Festival. Our folklore group Karicka, children group Podkovicka, children from Czech school in San Diego, our guests Poe Street Bluegrass and our Slovak friends from Romania Adriana and Milan prepared for you program with beautiful dances and songs from Slovak, Moravian and Czech regions. We are looking forward to see you there.
We preparing for you also exhibition of traditional costumes and caps, art show of Slovak artist Stefan Talian with folklore theme, poster show of our extraordinary Czech photographer Val Dostalek, fun for kids and adults, and School of Folk Dancing with Milan Fatura. You will have chance to taste delicious food, pastries, drink Czech beer, vine and Slovak Tatracaj.
Priatelia slovenského folklóru Vás všetkých srdečne pozývajú na 6. ročník Krajanského folklórneho festival v San Diegu.
Slovenská folklórna skupina Karička, detská skupina Podkovička, deti z Českej školy Rancho Santa Fe a naši hostia pripravujú pre vás program plný krásnych tancov a spevov z rôznych regiónov Slovenska, Moravy a Čiech. Pripravujeme pre Vás aj prehliadku krojov, výstavu čepcov a part, umeleckú výstavu obrazov slovenského umelca Štefana Taliana a výstavu fotografií nášho jedinečného fotografa Vladimíra Dostálka s folklórnou tematikou.
V našom programe nebude chýbať ani škola ľudového tanca. Pre deti máme pripravené stoly, kde budú mať šancu vyrobiť si vlastnú bábiku, ozdobiť medovníčky, vymaľovávať si varešky s folklórnymi vzorami, a dať si namaľovať tvár. Nezabudli sme ani na labužníkov jedla a pitia. Budú mať k výberu slovenské a české jedlá, zákusky, koláče, pivá a vína.
S originálnymi vlastnými výrobkami sa s vami podelia aj naši slovenskí a českí predavači.
Vstupné je $12, pri dverách $15, deti do 15 rokov majú. vstup zdarma. Lístky si môžte zakúpiť u Anky, Martiny alebo cez Pay Pal
Ešte stále hľadáme sponzorov!!! Pre tých, čo majú biznis, a chceli by ho propagovať na našej stránke a v našej brožúrke, a zároveň byť našími ctenými sponzormi kontaktujte Anku, alebo Martinu.
Pevne veríme, že Vás tam uvidíme. Náš festival je jedným z najväčších Slovensko-Českých akcií v San Diegu od roku 2011.
Dear Friends and Folklore Lovers,
Our 6th Czech, Moravian, and Slovak Festival is behind us but the memories will last forever. This way I would like to thank you all for coming to our festival and supporting us with your presence. We couldn't done it without you.
I would also like to thank all who made this festival possible. It needed all of you to work together to get the job done and you have done it!
First of all thanks to our announcers Martina Nemecek and Brano Cizmar, who were taking you through the whole program, our guests Adriana Furic and Milan Fatura, who came to us from Romania to share with us their Slovak songs and dances, jewels that their parents and grandparents preserve it for many years.Thanks to Nikola Kaminsky and Alena Batson for beautiful performance of their children from Czech School in San Diego; Marketa and Lada Hanc, Pavel Chvistek, Tomas Majek from Poe Street Band for colorful wreath of traditional Czech bluegrass and folk melodies.
Our festival was prepared for you by Friends of Slovak Folklore, whose big part is our folklore group Karicka, and its members Anna Hradsky, Lenka Matuskova, Jana Fiserova, Alena Batson, Gabriela Trhac, Martina Nemecek, Radek Nemecek, Marketa Hancova, Daniela Kurta, Lenka Dostalek, Nadia Megelova, Martin Petrik, Stefan Talian, Jan Kafka, and Vierka Onderisinova. Besides performing for you, they did enormous piece of work, that not everybody can see, they cooked, saw, were running all around the stores looking for things, putting together raffle, writing program, preparing costumes, but most of all they put a lot of effort, free time and love, and that’s just because they believe that our traditions should stay alive, specially far away from our home lands. Big applause goes to each one of them!!! I appreciate help of Daniele Laman, ethnologist, who is our adviser in the field of folklore.
I want to say a big thank you for those who were helping us with preparing the food and working in the kitchen: Zdenka and Peter Geisberg, Ruzenka Kristoff, Jarka Oujezsky, Marian Moravcik, Lenka Dostalek, Daniela Kurta, our bakers Iveta Marusak, Jana Perez, Hilda Bajo, Tatiana Braden and Nemecek family.
Thank you also to other volunteers who helped us with this event : Alenka Vydrzelova Kustkova, Peter Ostapenko, Michal Bajo, Janka and William Sen, Milan Gembicky, Gabi Dibos, Jarka Chmelikova, Lucka Emery, Olinka Benda, Nemecek family, Hanc family, and many more. For great music big thank to our DJ and dancer Martin Petrik. Thanks to our vendors Eva Galvan, Editka Semiginovska, and Zuzana Vass for sharing with us their products, and to our artist Stefan Talian. And last but certainly not least, heartfelt thanks to Lada Dostalek, professional photographer. You can view his festival pictures in the link here:
Big thanks goes to our Honored sponsors Office for Slovaks Living Abroad, who support our festival and our folklore groups for five years; Vonnie Brown, choreographer and ethnologist from Luisiana; Ruzenka Kristoff; Incorporation Paradise; Peter Rasla, Slovak lawyer in Irvine; Stan Hruza and House of Czech and Slovak Republic; Online Tv; photographer Val Dostalek; Maros Kocan from Slovak TV Jojka; Eric Townsend from Harcourts; Jana Perez from Golden Prague Bakery; Hana Furst from Furstflowers company; Lubo Podolsky from La Jolla Auto Servis; Marketa Richard from Steal and Escape; Brano Cizmar; Adriana Punch from Ababa Baby Props; Iveta and Manuel Castaneda from Jeunesse Global; Brenda and John from O’Bistro Caffe, Michael Antwan, store owner of Riviera Liquer House in Point Loma, and Holy Angel Ethnic Food. We are very thankful for their financial support. All the financial proceeds will be used for our next folklore activities.
You can look forward to our next activity Folklore Day with our Children Folklore group Podkovicka at Mission Bay, on September 10, 2016, and our next 7th Folklore Festival next year on May 20, 2017 at La Mesa Community Center. If you would like to be involved or to become our sponsors please contact Anka or Martina
For more information visit our website
Anka Hradsky
Founder of Czech, Moravian and Slovak Festival in San Diego
Artistic Director of folklore groups Karicka and Podkovicka
Our 6th Czech, Moravian, and Slovak Festival is behind us but the memories will last forever. This way I would like to thank you all for coming to our festival and supporting us with your presence. We couldn't done it without you.
I would also like to thank all who made this festival possible. It needed all of you to work together to get the job done and you have done it!
First of all thanks to our announcers Martina Nemecek and Brano Cizmar, who were taking you through the whole program, our guests Adriana Furic and Milan Fatura, who came to us from Romania to share with us their Slovak songs and dances, jewels that their parents and grandparents preserve it for many years.Thanks to Nikola Kaminsky and Alena Batson for beautiful performance of their children from Czech School in San Diego; Marketa and Lada Hanc, Pavel Chvistek, Tomas Majek from Poe Street Band for colorful wreath of traditional Czech bluegrass and folk melodies.
Our festival was prepared for you by Friends of Slovak Folklore, whose big part is our folklore group Karicka, and its members Anna Hradsky, Lenka Matuskova, Jana Fiserova, Alena Batson, Gabriela Trhac, Martina Nemecek, Radek Nemecek, Marketa Hancova, Daniela Kurta, Lenka Dostalek, Nadia Megelova, Martin Petrik, Stefan Talian, Jan Kafka, and Vierka Onderisinova. Besides performing for you, they did enormous piece of work, that not everybody can see, they cooked, saw, were running all around the stores looking for things, putting together raffle, writing program, preparing costumes, but most of all they put a lot of effort, free time and love, and that’s just because they believe that our traditions should stay alive, specially far away from our home lands. Big applause goes to each one of them!!! I appreciate help of Daniele Laman, ethnologist, who is our adviser in the field of folklore.
I want to say a big thank you for those who were helping us with preparing the food and working in the kitchen: Zdenka and Peter Geisberg, Ruzenka Kristoff, Jarka Oujezsky, Marian Moravcik, Lenka Dostalek, Daniela Kurta, our bakers Iveta Marusak, Jana Perez, Hilda Bajo, Tatiana Braden and Nemecek family.
Thank you also to other volunteers who helped us with this event : Alenka Vydrzelova Kustkova, Peter Ostapenko, Michal Bajo, Janka and William Sen, Milan Gembicky, Gabi Dibos, Jarka Chmelikova, Lucka Emery, Olinka Benda, Nemecek family, Hanc family, and many more. For great music big thank to our DJ and dancer Martin Petrik. Thanks to our vendors Eva Galvan, Editka Semiginovska, and Zuzana Vass for sharing with us their products, and to our artist Stefan Talian. And last but certainly not least, heartfelt thanks to Lada Dostalek, professional photographer. You can view his festival pictures in the link here:
Big thanks goes to our Honored sponsors Office for Slovaks Living Abroad, who support our festival and our folklore groups for five years; Vonnie Brown, choreographer and ethnologist from Luisiana; Ruzenka Kristoff; Incorporation Paradise; Peter Rasla, Slovak lawyer in Irvine; Stan Hruza and House of Czech and Slovak Republic; Online Tv; photographer Val Dostalek; Maros Kocan from Slovak TV Jojka; Eric Townsend from Harcourts; Jana Perez from Golden Prague Bakery; Hana Furst from Furstflowers company; Lubo Podolsky from La Jolla Auto Servis; Marketa Richard from Steal and Escape; Brano Cizmar; Adriana Punch from Ababa Baby Props; Iveta and Manuel Castaneda from Jeunesse Global; Brenda and John from O’Bistro Caffe, Michael Antwan, store owner of Riviera Liquer House in Point Loma, and Holy Angel Ethnic Food. We are very thankful for their financial support. All the financial proceeds will be used for our next folklore activities.
You can look forward to our next activity Folklore Day with our Children Folklore group Podkovicka at Mission Bay, on September 10, 2016, and our next 7th Folklore Festival next year on May 20, 2017 at La Mesa Community Center. If you would like to be involved or to become our sponsors please contact Anka or Martina
For more information visit our website
Anka Hradsky
Founder of Czech, Moravian and Slovak Festival in San Diego
Artistic Director of folklore groups Karicka and Podkovicka