folklore group Karička
V roku 2010 priaznivci folklóru pod vedením Anky HrabČákovej Hradskej založili Slovenský folklórny súbor „Karička“ v San Diegu, Kalifornii. Hlavným cieľom našho súboru je zachovávať a rozvíjať ľudové i kultúrne tradície, zvyky a obyčaje z celého Slovenska a taktiež zo susednej Moravy a Čiech, a tak pestovať tradičný aj štylizovaný folklór.
Súbor Karička sa po prvý krát predstavil našim krajanom na prvom krajanskom folklórnom festivale v San Diegu v roku 2011. Okrem toho nasledovali dalšie vystúpenia na San Diegovskom jarmoku, na Októberfeste, a na krátkom programe usporiadaným Česko-Slovenským domčekom v San Diegu, kde mal súbor veľmi pozitívnu odozvu.
Súbor Karička sa po prvý krát predstavil našim krajanom na prvom krajanskom folklórnom festivale v San Diegu v roku 2011. Okrem toho nasledovali dalšie vystúpenia na San Diegovskom jarmoku, na Októberfeste, a na krátkom programe usporiadaným Česko-Slovenským domčekom v San Diegu, kde mal súbor veľmi pozitívnu odozvu.
Children group Podkovička
Coming from the influence of the Carpathian Mountains, this is Ariana Lem Joy. Ariana (age 10) plays the violin and sings with her Parents – Suzi (mandolin & violin) and Juraj (accordion and Cajon-kick-tambour-drum). Together, they re-imagine rich traditional music from Eastern Europe and render them into their own intriguing arrangements.
In 2016, they released their debut EP album called, “Spivanocky Moji”- “My Songs”. By the Summer of 2017 they were sharing their songs with numerous audiences along their ”Coast to Coast Tour” of the U.S.A. In 2018, they released their second EP album called, "Wings of Falcons" which put a cinematic flair on their modern folk renditions. The album reached # 1 in New York City, #8 Nationally and #11 World Wide on the Reverb Nation Folk charts.
Ariana and the trio have performed on various festivals with thousands in attendance including the largest Slovak Festival in New Jersey, Czechoslovak Festival in San Diego, the largest all-around Slavic Festival held in Johnstown and the largest Ukrainian Festival on the East Coast held in PA. In March 2018, the Trio performed at the Prudential Center in Newark where Ariana flawlessly sang the National Anthem for the NJ Devils game. Currently, the trio has been preparing for a concert tour in China.
Ariana has been performing since the age of 7, with prestigious performances in Madison Square Garden, Carnegie Hall, Radio City, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral among others. She is also a competitive Rhythmic Gymnast, avid Tennis player, and computer coding.
Juraj is a musician, composer, arranger and music educator originally from Kamienka, Slovakia. He began playing the accordion at the age of 3 and never stopped. Juraj holds Degrees in Music Composition and Music Education. He is also an active and distinguished Music Educator of vocal and instrumental music in NYC. His favorite activity is to make music with Ariana and Suzi.
In 2016, they released their debut EP album called, “Spivanocky Moji”- “My Songs”. By the Summer of 2017 they were sharing their songs with numerous audiences along their ”Coast to Coast Tour” of the U.S.A. In 2018, they released their second EP album called, "Wings of Falcons" which put a cinematic flair on their modern folk renditions. The album reached # 1 in New York City, #8 Nationally and #11 World Wide on the Reverb Nation Folk charts.
Ariana and the trio have performed on various festivals with thousands in attendance including the largest Slovak Festival in New Jersey, Czechoslovak Festival in San Diego, the largest all-around Slavic Festival held in Johnstown and the largest Ukrainian Festival on the East Coast held in PA. In March 2018, the Trio performed at the Prudential Center in Newark where Ariana flawlessly sang the National Anthem for the NJ Devils game. Currently, the trio has been preparing for a concert tour in China.
Ariana has been performing since the age of 7, with prestigious performances in Madison Square Garden, Carnegie Hall, Radio City, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral among others. She is also a competitive Rhythmic Gymnast, avid Tennis player, and computer coding.
Juraj is a musician, composer, arranger and music educator originally from Kamienka, Slovakia. He began playing the accordion at the age of 3 and never stopped. Juraj holds Degrees in Music Composition and Music Education. He is also an active and distinguished Music Educator of vocal and instrumental music in NYC. His favorite activity is to make music with Ariana and Suzi.
Viliam Csontos vyštudoval muzikálové herectvo a zahral si v predstaveniach ako Rent, Vlasy, Donaha či Hriešny tanec. Viac ako 12 rokov pôsobil v acapella skupine Fragile. Vyštudoval prestížnu JAMU v Brne a rok študoval v Amerike. „Náplňou mojej práce je ľudí zabávať a odpútavať ich pozornosť od každodenných problémov, stresov, byť istou súčasťou uvoľnenia a relaxu."
Czech School San Diego
Czech School San Diego is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism and addressing the specific needs of the Czech children living in the United States by teaching them the language, culture, history and geography of the country of their origin – the Czech Republic.
Czech School San Diego has been serving the Czech community in San Diego since 2012 and cooperates with the Czech School without Borders organization as well as other Czech schools in the United States and around the world on special projects, teacher training, curriculum development, etc. Thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the school receives annual grants that enable it to operate, purchase books and supplies and thanks to the generosity of various donors, the school can also grow a library of Czech books, which are available for the students and general public.
Any inquiries about the school can be emailed to You can also find us on Facebook as Czech School San Diego.
Czech School San Diego has been serving the Czech community in San Diego since 2012 and cooperates with the Czech School without Borders organization as well as other Czech schools in the United States and around the world on special projects, teacher training, curriculum development, etc. Thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the school receives annual grants that enable it to operate, purchase books and supplies and thanks to the generosity of various donors, the school can also grow a library of Czech books, which are available for the students and general public.
Any inquiries about the school can be emailed to You can also find us on Facebook as Czech School San Diego.